Many Tampa residents find themselves in financial situations where bankruptcy seems like the best option for them. If you are considering filing bankruptcy, there may be other options for you to be aware of. Debt settlement is another option that you may want to explore before making the final decision.

There are a few different terms that describe debt settlement including, debt arbitration, debt negotiation, and credit settlement. Either way, debt settlement is an attempt to reduce the debt by having the debtor and creditor agree on a lesser amount that will serve as payment in full. Before making a decision, you need to speak to an experienced Tampa debt settlement attorney to help you weigh the pros and cons.

With the right representation, you have the opportunity to negotiate a lump sum payment amount that could cut what you owe in half. Although that may seem impossible, it is not. That is why it is important to find a skilled debt settlement attorney in Tampa. They will know the best steps to take in order to free you from your debt.

There are many advantages to debt settlement over bankruptcy, including the opportunity to save money by cutting the principal balance in half, shorter repayment terms, the ability to set your own terms, absolute confidentiality, payment flexibility, minimal negotiation formalities, no creditor harassment, your choice of which accounts to close or keep open, and an easy one-time payment.

Seek the guidance of an experienced Tampa debt settlement attorney to see if debt negotiation is the best option for you.

If you are someone considering bankruptcy, you may be better off seeking debt settlement options instead. Stephen K. Hachey is a Tampa debt settlement attorney who can assist you in settling your debt. At the Law Offices of Stephen K. Hachey, our debt negotiation services help you to work with your creditors to actually reduce the balance on your debt. Our goal is to have all of your unsecured debt (e.g. credit cards, personal loans, medical bills, etc.) settled for a lump sum that will amount to approximately 50 cents on the dollar or less.

In many cases, debt negotiation is the answer for your particular situation, rather than bankruptcy. Stephen K. Hachey, a Tampa debt settlement lawyer, works hard to help you make educated decisions based on your individual needs.

What are some advantages to debt settlement?

  • Save money by cutting your principal balance in half
  • Shorter repayment terms
  • Set your own terms
  • Complete confidentiality
  • Payment flexibility
  • Minimum negotiation formalities
  • Avoid creditor harassment
  • Decide which accounts to close or keep open
  • Make a simple, one-time payment

Know Your Rights Before You Act

In many cases, debt negotiation, not bankruptcy, is the best option. Stephen K. Hachey is a Tampa debt settlement lawyer who works hard to help clients make educated decisions based on their individual needs and situation. Remember, this is just one option to consider for those facing financial hardship and bankruptcy.

Stephen K. Hachey, an experienced debt settlement attorney, can not only help you determine your options, but he can advise you on the best course of action based on your unique situation. And with offices spread out through West and Central Florida, he’s available and accessible to begin working with you.

If You Think Debt Settlement Seems Like a Good Option For You,
Call 813-549-0096 TODAY for a FREE, No-Obligation Consultation