If You are Renting a Home while in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Can You Get it Out of your Name if the Bank has not Foreclosed Yet?
Even if you’ve filed bankruptcy and moved out of your home, your name remains on the property title. Moreover, mortgage liens are generally not discharged in a chapter 13 bankruptcy. Unfortunately, you will remain the owner of record until your lender forecloses or you take the necessary steps to re ...
If you Received a 1099-C from your Mortgage Company, do you Still Owe for a Deficiency Judgment?
A lender files a 1099-C with the IRS when they release the debtor from liability or otherwise waive a borrower’s deficiency judgment. If you received a 1099-C from your mortgage company, then you should not owe a deficiency judgment on the corresponding debt. But when it comes to Florida foreclosure ...
Time Limits on the Foreclosure Process
Going through the foreclosure process is an extremely stressful situation. Nevertheless, banks have a reputation of dragging the process out. How long is an “unreasonable” amount of time, according to the state of Florida? Unfortunately, a common belief is that many Florida courts are unkind to borr ...
HOA Fees After A Foreclosure Sale
“Do I still owe HOA fees after my foreclosure sale?” It seems like owing fees after ownership has been transferred would be grossly unethical, if not illegal, but is this the case? The short answer is “yes”. However, this answer deserves a more detailed explanation. Broadly defined, Homeowner’s asso ...